After submitting City Escape times of (-1,1,1)/(1,-1,1)/(1,1,-1)/(10,66,58):
Confirm New Times
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) City Escape Mission 1 0:0-58:0-99
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) City Escape Mission 2 0:59:01
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) City Escape Mission 3 1:00:99
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) City Escape Mission 5 11:06:58
Then, upon hitting Confirm,
Parse error: parse error in /homepages/13/d92912856/htdocs/TSC 2.3/refresh.php on line 59
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: refdiv() in /homepages/13/d92912856/htdocs/TSC 2.3/submit/ptimes.php on line 13
also, 200th message